How to prepare for marriage

When I was growing up I would often hear some women tell their daughters, "Now that you know how to clean and cook you can get married." But as I have grown up and lived with different kinds of people I have learned that it takes more than just knowing how to clean and cook to have a successful marriage. Preparation for marriage starts now while you are dating.

By dating I do not mean having a boyfriend or a girlfriend. I mean going out on planned dates with different people and get to know them. If these dates are clean it will lay a solid foundation for a strong friendship. Many people are scared to accept to go on a date, or ask someone out on a date. They have the misconseption that if you ask someone out it immediately makes you a couple. A date does not equal a romantic relationship. Others are nervous that they might loose a friendship if they ask someone out on a date. I have noticed that we tend to chase passion a lot. I do not know if it is because of the media, but we tend to step out of reality and chase for something unfulfilling or unhealthy. If you are concerned of loosing a friend,

Dating should be one of the first steps to begin your preparations for a relationship. A misconseption of a relationship is that when you are dating, you don't need to go on dates anymore. You only hang out. When you begin to date for the first time you begin to develop some skills that will lead to having a healthy and strong relationship with someone. For example, you will get to learn more about yourself and see what you like and what you don't like. You learn how to properly behave around others and how to treat other people. When you are ready to get married you start to look for a boyfriend/girlfriend.

When you begin a porper courtship (when you officially become boyfriend/girlfriend) you begin to develop new skills that will lead you into the next step of a serious relationship. You learn how to properly trust and rely on each other. You make a commitment to date exclusivly your partner and to work out problems together. During courtship, continue planning dates and becoming more familiar with each other.

The next step is engagment. This can be somewhat of a stressful stage, since a lot of engaged couples focus a lot on wedding receptions and coordination family trips to tell thier loved one the good news. Engaged couples contine to develop skills and facing challenges together that will help them establish a strong marriage. Wedding receptions will not really determine if a marriage is successful or not. But I can see how it would help. Planning and communication becomes crucial to plan a reception. Looking at finances together and budgeting can also give them necessary skills for marriage, and can help them see a glimpse of what their married life together could possible look like.

Finally, the final stage is legal marriage. During the following years of marriage it is important to continue the courtship and more importantnly, the friendship. Working together to raise children can help them strengthen their relationship, but it is always important to continue going out in planned dates. Taking some time out of their busy scedules can help them recharge their marriage and the likelyhood of divorce after the children grow and leave the house will diminish.


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