
This is a very controversial and sensitive topic. My main goal is to inform you with relevant and current information. I am a firm believer in thruth. And I think that a society truely progresses when we cling to the truth. Sometimes the truth is hushed down because it is not relevant to popular opionion. But those who hide from the truth hide from God's all seeing eye. And now, without further ado, this week's topic, same-gender attraction.

Studies have found that when gay men socialize more, their homosexual feeling diminished. In the late 90s they wanted to get rid of the word homosexual to gay because people think unpleasant/immoral things and it grosses them out, and frankly, I agree. I don't think we should be assuming the worst of people. And regarding the first sentence, I do not think it is always the case for everyone, but if you just hear me out, you will understand why this makes sense to me.

Some theories that might support my first statement are: gay men were sexually abused as children, they had distant relationships with their fathers, it might be genetic (although it has been both confirmed and rejected) or too much exposure to estrogen (or testostoren for women). In the end, there could be a number of things that might lead to someone thinking they are gay when in reality they might not be.

These theories usually involve many variables, such as:

  1. Biological variables
    1. (Such as genes, parental hormones)
  2. Childhood temperaments
    1. (Agression, activity level)
  3. Sex-Typical/Atypical activity playmate preferneces
    1. (Gender/Conformity/Nonconformity)
    2. Women tend to be more open; if a boy cries in school he will be treated differently from a girl
  4. Feeling Different from Opposity/Same-Sex peers
    1. (Disimilar, unfamiliar, exotic)
    2. We want to be accepted whne we don't fit in
  5. Nonspecific Autonomic Arousal to opposite/Same-Sex Peers
  6. Erotic/Romantic Attraction to opposite/Same-Sex Persons
    1. (Sexual Orientation)

Gay men are usually known for having more female-like tendencies. This might lead many of them to grow up playing and being friends with other girls. If this happens they will usually be distant and isolated from other boys. As they grow older and gender typical boys try to get closer to gender typical girls. Since the gender atypical boy is with girls a lot, they might try to get close to him to reach girls easier. Attention from members of his own sex will excite the gender atypical boy and create confusing and conflicting emotions. Especially if these boys had been exposed to any of the previous theories I have mentioned before.

Men will be trapped in this cycle society puts them in where they will think 'If I am gay, I am attracted to guys, If I am attracted to guys, I am gay'. This thought pattern will become sexually enforced, which leads men to practice getting sexually aroused. This can be done through immoral practices, or viewing pornography.


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